on the way to heaven

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on the way to heaven

하나님 의 시계 698

[스크랩] 트럼프 천하재편정국 - 258. 국민의 선거를 조작하고 탈취하는자 누구인가?

그들이 선거를 훔치는 짓을 꾸미고 있다 ‘They were planning on stealing the election’ By Paul Hilder Feb 7, 2019 - 4:35:40 PM https://truepublica.org.uk/global/they-were-planning-on-stealing-the-election-explosive-new-tapes-reveal-cambridge-analytica-ceos-boasts-of-voter-suppression-manipulation-and-bribery/ '그들은 선거..