on the way to heaven

나는 부활이요 생명이니 살아서 나를 믿는자는 영원히죽지아니하며

on the way to heaven

하나님 의 시계

피터김의 체험 나누기 세계 이모저모 (최효진 선생)|

샤론의 수선화 2019. 4. 15. 14:38

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예수를 십자가 형에 끌고간 성스런 계단이라, 빌라도 총독이 로마에서 공개되다

Holy Staircase With Ties to Jesus' Crucifixion, Pontius Pilate Uncovered in Rome

Perfect organization and timing for this "show" of pure superstition and demonic idolatry. We really missed it!
Let me say: "Vade retro...Vatican".  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vade_retro_satana


거의 300 년 만에 처음으로 십자가 부활의 길 순례자는 스칼라 산타의 28개 계단을 볼 수있는 기회를 가졌습니다. 스칼라 산타는 십자가 형을 선고 받기 전에 그들을 등반한 구세주 예수 자신의 발에 닿았던 것으로 여겨집니다. 수세기 동안 신자들은 그들의 죄를 용서 받기 위해 무릎을 꿇고 그 계단을 오르려고 했습니다.

신약의 핵심 에피소드 중 하나에 연결되는 것으로 알려진 신성한 계단인 Scala Santa은 수세기 동안 나무로 덮여 원래 상태로 복원되었습니다. 서기 4 세기에 예루살렘에서 가져온 것으로 믿어지는 그 계단은 수백만 명의 순례자들에 의해 마멸될 것이라는 두려움 때문에 교황 인노센트13XIII의 명령으로 1723 년에 폐쇄되었다.

For the first time in nearly 300 years, pilgrims have an opportunity to see the 28 steps of the Scala Santa, believed to have been touched by the feet of the Saviour himself, who allegedly climbed them before being sentenced to crucifixion. For centuries believers tried to ascend the stairs on their knees to receive forgiveness for their sins.

The sacred staircase Scala Santa, said to be connected to one of the key episodes in the New Testament, has been restored to its original state after being covered with wood for centuries. The steps, believed to have been brought from Jerusalem in the fourth century AD, was covered in 1723 on orders from Pope Innocent XIII over fears it would be worn out by millions of pilgrims. 

Christians from all over the world attempted to crawl up the staircase on their hands and knees, repeating the path of Jesus Christ, who is said to have climbed it before Pontius Pilate sentenced him to death by crucifixion. Those believers who make it to the top of the staircase are promised indulgences. According to The Telegraph, this has resulted in the partial destruction of the relic as its steps have been worn down to a depth of 15 centimetres in some places.

Experts from the Vatican Museums have not only removed the planks, concealing the holy steps, but also cleaned the marble underneath as well as 16th-century frescoes on the walls.

Restoring the staircase, Violini also discovered messages from the past, hidden in cracks and pleading for the relief of illnesses and family tragedies. 

We found them step by step as we removed the floorboards many, many little notes and coins, left as offerings, coordinator of the restoration Paolo Violini said as cited by the outlet.
What is more important, they also discovered three ancient bronze red-stone crosses, marking drop of Christs blood, according to the legend.

In an unprecedented move, the relic is to remain open for 60 days during the Easter period until 9 June when it will be concealed again.
