on the way to heaven

나는 부활이요 생명이니 살아서 나를 믿는자는 영원히죽지아니하며

on the way to heaven

하나님 의 시계

세계의 이모저모(최효진선생)

샤론의 수선화 2019. 3. 8. 08:38

이것은 공황이다 - 트럼프대통령은 탄핵 위험에 처했다

The Is In A Panic - TRUMP'S About To Be Brought Down - The End  M A R   2 0 1 9 ?  - episode 11019

Sally H1일 전

I pray you are wrong. Trump will succeed
만일 트럼프가 탄핵당하면 그들은 그 짓에 대해서 하느님앞에 가야할 것입니다 ... 하느님께서는 손을 트럼프 대통령 POTUS에 놓고있습니다. 호세이 ...
up yours if Trump is brought down they will have to go through God to do it...God has his hands on POTUS..no way. hosay...

Trump Just Projected Into The Future, A big influence on your life in  M A R   2 0 1 9 , Confirm‎!? To U.S

FOX: Corey Feldman Arrested and Life Threatened After Hollywood Elite Pedophile Announcement

가족 : 증거를 보건대 브랫스트릿 박사는 피살되었음이 증명된다(자살이 아니다)
Family: Evidence shows Dr Bradstreet was murdered (not suicide)

The more they kill, the more people find out about their criminal enterprise and find natural means that work much better, cheaper and without the side-effects

This needs to be shared, Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet was helping soldiers with GWS ( Gulf War Syndrome) that were caused from Weaponized Zoonotic Diseases. God rest his soul!!!!

대마 오일의 티에이치씨가 암세포를 잡아먹는 진기한 장면- 유튜브에서 이걸 막고있으니 꼭 보시고 전파하세요
WATCH as compound in Cannabis oil THC kills cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone 640x480 M