2019 년 그래미 시상식에서 두 명의 가수가 입을 열었고 할리우드에서 가장 유명하고 솔직한 자유주의자들의 바다 한가운데서 도널드 트럼프 대통령에 대한 지지의 소리를 높이 외쳤습니다.
싱어 리키 반란군 Ricky Rebel 은 친 - 트럼프 디자이너 앙드레 소리아노 (Andre Soriano)가 디자인한 젠더 벤딩 (gender-bending) 침대색의 흰색 옷을 입고서 도착했습니다. 가역 재킷은 트럼프의 유명한 "미국을 위대하게 하라 Keep America Great" 플래그 중 하나에서 만들어졌으며 뒤쪽에 "TRUMP"라는 단어가 새겨져 있습니다.
장벽을 만들라 외치는 옷
At the 2019 Grammy Awards, a couple of singers arrived in attire that screamed aloud their support for President Donald Trump among a sea of Hollywood’s most famous and outspoken liberals.
Singer Ricky Rebel arrived in a gender-bending bedazzled white suit designed by pro-Trump designer Andre Soriano. The reversible jacket was made from one of Trump’s famous “Keep America Great” flags and had the word “TRUMP” emblazoned across the back.
트럼프 정부는 인공지능을 우선적으로 활성화시키는 명령을 발효시키다
Trump administration unveils order to prioritize and promote AI
The initiative aims to make sure the United States maintains its advantage in AI development and related areas, such as advanced manufacturing and quantum computing.
Trump, in his State of the Union speech last week, said he was willing to work with lawmakers to deliver new and important infrastructure investment, including investments in the cutting-edge industries of the future, calling it a “necessity.”
Michael Kratsios, a White House science adviser, said in an essay in Wired magazine on Monday that “with proper leadership, AI can empower American workers by liberating them from mundane tasks.”
“AI is something that touches every aspect of people’s lives,” a senior administration official told reporters on Sunday. “What this initiative attempts to do is to bring all those together under one umbrella and show the promise of this technology for the American people,” the official said.
AI and deep machine learning raise ethical concerns about control, privacy, cybersecurity, and is set to trigger job displacements across industries, companies and experts say.
PwC의 2018 년 연구에 따르면 30 %의 일자리가 2030 년 중반까지 잠재적인 자동화 위험에 처해 있으며 저학력 근로자의 44 %를 포함한다고 합니다. 동시에 이 연구는 자동화가 2030 년까지 세계 총생산을 15조 달러 올릴 수 있다는 것을 발견했다.
백악관은 지난 5 월 인공지능 회의에서 포드 (Ford) 자동차, 보잉 (Boeing), 아마존 닷컴 (, 마이크로 소프트 (Microsoft) 등 30 개 이상의 대기업과 함께 개발 의지를 맹세했다.
A 2018 study from PwC said 30 percent of jobs are at potential risk of automation by the mid-2030s, including 44 percent of workers with low education. At the same time, the study found automation could boost global gross domestic product by $15 trillion by 2030.
The White House held a meeting on AI in May with more than 30 major companies from a variety of industries, including Ford Motor Co, Boeing Co, Inc and Microsoft Corp, vowing not to stand in the way of its development.
케모 치료없이 암과 싸우는 사람들
This is an interesting video I got from my son:
Fragmentation, Self Worth and How to Understand your Shame - Teal Swan Synchronization Workshop - 길이: 56:03 Teal Swan조회수 156,454회
러시아는 전기를 생산하기 위해 원자력 폐기물을 사용하는 기술을 제공받았다. 우리는 TIU에서 이것을 한 번 덮었습니다 .... 이것은 핵페기물을 땅에 묻는 것보다 훨씬 낫습니다 ... 간단한 검색만하면 됩니다.
RUSSIA has been given technology to use nuclear waste to generate electricity. We covered this once on TIU I suppose....this is far better than burying the stuff...
Just doing a brief search.
강간,살인, 의문의 자살 :"영혼의 외과의사가 섹스노예 농장을 운영한 혐의로 투옥되다
강간,살인, 의문의 자살 :"영혼의 외과의사가 섹스노예 농장을 운영한 혐의로 투옥되다
Rape, Murder, & A Suspicious Suicide: Jailed "Psychic Surgeon" To Stars Ran Gruesome Sex Slave Farms By Tyler Durden Feb 11, 2019 - 12:12:33 AM |
Joao Teixeira de Faria a.k.a. "John of God"
600 건 이상의 성적 학대 주장을 받는 76 세의 브라질 신앙 치료사는 당국에 의해 혐의를 받고 있는데, 아동 매매에 사용된 성 노예 농장을 운영한 후 그곳에서 10 년간 출산을 햇던 한 어머니를 살해한 혐의로 기소되었습니다. "신의 요한 John of God"과 "정신의 외과의사 psychic surgeon"라고 알려진 조아오 테이세이라 데파리아 Joao Teixeira de Faria는 1978 년에 카사드돔 이니시 오데 로욜라 (Isaat de In?cio de Loyola)라는 이름의 "영혼 치료 병원"을 시작했습니다. 선 The Sun에 따르면, 데파리아가 그의 37개 영혼 가운데 하나라고 주장하는데, 그의 몸은 정신치료 세션 중에 금지된다. 1979 년, 브라질의 한 작은 마을 Abadi?nia에서 후원자가 그를 위해 땅을 확보했으며, 한 달에 10,000 명이 넘는 방문객을 맞이했습니다.
A 76-year-old Brazilian faith healer who turned himself in to authorities following more than 600 sexual abuse claims has been accused of running sex slave farms used for child trafficking, then killing the mothers after 10 years of birthing. Known as the "John of God" and the "psychic surgeon," Joao Teixeira de Faria started his "spiritual hospital" in 1978, the Casa de Dom In?cio de Loyola - named after Saint Ignatius, one of the 37 spirits Faria claimed would inhibit his body during psychic healing sessions, according to The Sun. In 1979, a benefactor secured land for him in a small town of Abadi?nia, Brazil, where he has been receiving over 10,000 visitors a month.
오프라 윈프리 (Oprah Winfrey)가 2010 년 인터뷰에서 그를 인터뷰한 후 파리아는 국제적인 명성을 얻었다. 그의 프로필 고객 중에는 슈퍼모델 나오미 캠벨 (Naomi Campbell), 빌 클린턴 (Bill Clinton) 전 대통령 및 가수 폴 사이먼 (Paul Simon)이 포함되어 있다는 소문이 있습니다.
Faria rose to international fame after Oprah Winfrey sat down with him in a 2010 interview. His high profile clients are rumored to include supermodel Naomi Campbell, former President Bill Clinton and singer Paul Simon.
하느님의 "영적 수술"을 시행한 요한은 마취없이 사람들의 안구를 긁거나 다양한 조건을 치료하기 위해 사람들의 코 안에 가위를 삽입하는 짓을 종종 하고 있습니다. 그의 고소인들은 그가 그런 극심한 짓을 더 많이 했다고 말한다 - 그는 환자에게 성행위를 강제로 하기 전에 그에게서 얼굴을 돌리라고 지시하곤 했는데, 파리아 Faria는 그 주장은 부정했다.
John of God's "spiritual surgeries" would often involve scraping people's eyeballs without anesthetics, or inserting scissors of forceps inside people's noses to cure various conditions. His accusers say he took it much further - instructing them to face away from them before performing sexual acts to "cure" them, allegations Faria denies.
파리아는 유명한 심령술사 아브라모빅과 함께 "영혼 요리" 까지 벌어면서 정신과 외과치료를 수행했다 Joao Teixeira de Faria performing "psychic surgery" with "spirit cook" Marina Abramovi?
지난 12 월 4 명의 여성들이 Faria가 Oprah Winfrey의 인터뷰에서 Faria를 알게 된 네덜란드 안무가 Zahira Lienke Mous를 포함하여 세션에서 그들을 성학대 한 것으로 비난하기 위해 브라질 TV에 나섰다. TV Globo에서 고발 폭로를 한 세 여성은 Faria와의 만남을 통해 익명을 요구한 Pedro Bial을 호스트했습니다. 네덜란드 안무가인 Zahira Lieneke Mous는 지명되기로 결정했고, 그녀의 여행 중 하나를 통해 치유의 고통에 대한 치유를 보기 위해 그녀를 뒷방에 데려다가 그녀로 하여금 자위를 하게했다고 말했다. 그는 세트에서 보석을 골라 내고 특별 대우를 받았다. 그녀는 또 다른 세션에서 그녀를 강간했다고 비난했다.
In December, four women came forward on Brazilian television to accuse Faria of abusing them during sessions, including Dutch choreographer Zahira Lienke Mous, who says she learned of Faria from Oprah Winfrey's interview.
Speaking on TV Globo, three of the women described their encounters with Faria to host Pedro Bial on condition of anonymity. Dutch choreographer Zahira Lieneke Mous decided to be named, and said that during one of her trips to see the healer to be cured of the trauma of previous sexual assault, he took her into a back room and had her masturbate him. He then had her pick out a gemstone from a set and granted special treatment. She has also accused him of raping her during another session.
S?o Paolo businesswoman Aline Salih told local newspaper Folha de S?o Paulo in an article that published on Monday that a similar incident had happened to her. -BuzzFeed News
Following the broadcast, Brazilian prosecutors announced that more than 200 women had come forward with similar claims, leading for prosecutors for the state of Goias to call for his arrest.
Meanwhile, Faria's own daughter - Dalva Teixeira, claims that he abused and raped her between the ages of 10 and 14, and that he only stopped after she became pregnant by one of his employees. The subsequent beating she received from "John of God" caused her to miscarry, she says.
Dalva Teixeira, Faria's daughter
"My father is a monster," stated Teixeira.
Disturbingly, the 38-year-old Brazilian activist who brought Faria down, Sabrina Bittencourt, mysteriously "committed suicide" last Saturday in Lebanon while she was on the run and "living under protection."
Bittencourt said she had received reports of Faria's sex slave operation in which newborns were sold for up to £40,000 ($51,000 USD) in the United States, Europe and Australia.
She claimed Faria would offer money to poor girls aged 14 to 18 to go and live in mineral mines or farms he owns in the Brazilian states of Goias and Minas Gerais.
There they would become sex slaves and be forced to get pregnant, then their babies would be sold to the highest bidder.
"In exchange for food, they were impregnated and their babies sold on the black market," she said.
"Hundreds of girls were enslaved over years, living on farms in Goias, and served as wombs to get pregnant, for their babies to be sold.
"These girls were murdered after 10 years of giving birth. We have got a number of testimonies." -The Sun
Bittencourt's eldest son, Gabriel Baum, confirmed her death on Facebook with a note that read: "She took the last step so that we could live. They killed my mother."
"We said goodbye in Paris, she traveled to Barcelona for a few days to create the protection network for Brazilians of exile and returned to Lebanon with her girlfriend. It was one of the countries she loved!" Gabriel posted to Facebook.
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