This afternoon Dr Carissa F. Etienne, Regional Director for the Americas of the World Health Organization, complained to the media that have been found close to 1 million bananas with HIV infection (AIDS).
The O.M.S. He also stressed that the infected bananas belong to the Cavendish variety, which is the largest consumer in the world. All infected parts come from Guatemala, the main fruit vendor in the entire continent.
According to the evidence found in different fields of sowing it is estimated that there may be about 2 million infected bananas distributed in various parts of the continent. Countries such as Mexico, the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentina are at greater risk for large quantities they buy regularly.
Similarly, Dr. Carissa said that last year, a significant increase was the number of new people infected with AIDS, increasing only 7.5% in Latin America.
The government of Guatemala has started the research to catch the perpetrators of this inhuman act.
By the time the World Health Organization recommended to avoid the consumption of bananas in the Americas until further notice.
멕시코, 미국, 캐나다, 브라질, 아르헨티나 에서 많은 양이 유통 되었다고 합니다.
과테말라 정부에선 범인을 잡기위해 수사중..
회원님들도 원산지 확인 필수 ......
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