가공의 이무기가 덴버 국제공항에서 수다를 떤다.. 언빌리버블?? http://cafe.daum.net/onukang/ZkWC/4656 누너스 의원은 마이클 코언이 아담쉬프 의원과 만난것에 대응한다
Nunes reacts to reports of Cohen's meetings with Schiff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGXKIPf55yc
CEO, 14 억 달러에 234 마일의 국경을 조성하겠다 제안하다
Tommy Fisher, the president and CEO of Fisher Sand and Gravel Co. believes that the government is paying too much for the wall. Fisher said that for $4.31 billion, he would build the wall featuring paved roads, border technology, and a warranty.
“Our whole point is to break through the government bureaucracy,” Fisher told the Washington Examiner. “If they do the small procurements as they are now … that’s not going to cut it.”
Fisher Sand and Gravel Co. did not respond to a request for more information
In real time, as President Trump gave his State of the Union speech last month, the Timesbranded the president a liar over his claim that there is an “urgent national crisis” at our border.
This is all about 2020, all about the media working with Democrats in the hopes of undermining Trump’s base of support by undermining his ability to keep a central campaign promise about fixing America’s illegal immigration problem.
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