데이빗크레이포드 ------ 세계는 정말 끔찍한 혼돈으로 들어갔다 ------
그리고 더 나은 것은 아닙니다. 매일매일 한주간 한주간 상황은 더 심각해지고 있다.
세계 각국 정부는 이러한 모든 소위 전문가, 컨설턴트 및 전문가 고문을 초빙해서 납세자의 돈으로 비싼 급료를 지불하며 역할을 하게 했지만 예상과 달리 국가와 세계를 혼란에 빠지게합니다. 우리 모두에게 이 소위 전문가, 컨설턴트 및 전문가 조언자가있다해도 / 그들 자신의 서술이란게 항상 정부의 동일한 왜곡된 이데올로기에 연결되었고, 또 특정 이데올로기나 그들의 주인의 뜻에 따르는 것이다 ; 그래서 우리는 아무데도 빨리 가지못하고 하나의 전능한 혼란으로 빠져드는 소용돌이를 돌고 있습니다.
늘상 아르키메데스의 원리가 작용하는데, 우리가 모두 아래쪽 뒷구멍으로 사라질 것인데, 계속해서 동심원을 그리며 돌다가 그 원이 줄어드기 때문입니다.
The Governments of the world have all these so-called experts, consultants, and specialist advisers, all paid for by the taxpayers and still, not unexpectedly, get their country and the world into such a mess. It does appear to me that we have all these so-called experts, consultants, and specialist advisers telling us / advising us as to what to do that their narrative is always based upon specific ideology aligned to the same distorted ideology of Government or directed by their masters; that we are going round and round in circles getting nowhere fast and also getting ourselves into one almighty mess.
Always the same as the Archimedes principal, going round and round in ever reducing circles until we all wind up disappearing up our lower orifices.
내가 지난 2 주간 매우 심각한 독감에 걸렸기에 , 나는 충분한 시간이 있어서 국제 뉴스 게시판을 보거나 언론매체가 내놓는 뉴스 게시판으로 묘사한 내용을 보고 충격을 받았는데, 내가 듣고 본 것에 매우 놀랐습니다. .
Having been ill with a very severe bout of flu for 2 weeks I have had the time to watch more than sufficient International News Bulletins, or what the media describes as News Bulletins, and I am shocked, very shocked at what I have seen and heard.
I strongly suggest that everyone listen carefully to the International News Bulletins and listen out for what these so-called experts, consultants and specialist consultants say. You will notice how full of "I think", "I believe", "we are told (but never naming who told them", "it's possible", and other such phrases.
우리는 사람으로써 당신이 무엇을 믿는지 묻지않는다, 또 무엇을 말하고, 뭐가 가능한지, 무슨 진실을 원하는지 묻지않는다. 그것들은 간단한데, 정부나 조직이 시도하는 방향에 관계없이 우리 스스로가 무엇을 해야하는지를 우리가 알게 되는게 확실하다. 우리 모두는 정부가 말하는 서술에 끌려가지 않는게 확실한 것이다.
위에서 언급한 것 중 가장 중요한 통찰을 보여주는 일부 사례를 살펴 보겠습니다.
We as people do not ask for what you believe, what you are told, what is possible, we want the truth, it is as simple as that, then we will know what to do irrespective of any direction the Government or any organisation is trying to direct us all towards with their narrative.
Let's just look at some instances that are the very epiphany of what I have stated above.
1) 미국인들은 휴고 라파엘 차베스 대통령이 베네수엘라에서 재직하는 동안 (1999 - 2013) 약 20 년 가까이 쿠데타를 통해서 제거하려 노력해왔지만 실패했다, 그 이유는 미국 쿠데타 시도는 눈에 띄게 대담했고, 부주의했으며, 예측 가능하기 때문인데, 그토록 별난 쿠데타도 없을 것이다.
그들은 유엔의 승인없이 일방적으로 다른 "주권 국가"에 대하여 제재를 가하고 문제를 일으켰는데, 그 다음 인도주의 원조 또는 경우에 따라 군사 원조라고 부르는 것을 제공한답시고, 구세주인양 백색 종마를 타고 쳐들어갑니다. 그런 다음 소위 인도주의 보조기구가 국경에서 막히면, 그래 한번 쎄게 당해봐라 하고 기막힌 자뻑 테러를 벌입니다. 그게 호송 차량의 일부를 박살내고 불태우기 위해 "용역 깡패"를 동원해서 그런 짓을 벌이고는, 그 사건을 마두로 대통령의 지지자들에게 뒤집어씌우는 모략을 돌려서, 책임을 묻게하려는 것입니다.
1) They America have been trying for approximately 2 decades even when Hugo Rafael Chavez was President (1999 - 2013) to undertake a Coup in Venezuela, unsuccessfully of course because their methods are so visibly bold, careless, and predictable, and as such not unusual.
They create the problem by unilaterally imposing sanctions on another "Sovereign Nation", without UN approval, and then come riding in on white Stallions as the saviours with what they refer to as Humanitarian Aid, or in some cases Military Aid. Then, when the so-called Humanitarian Aid gets blocked at the borders they bring in the "Rent a Thug" to torch parts of the convoy and try to pin the blame on Maduro's supporters.
만일 그런 일이 진정 순수한 것이며, 어떤 조작이 아니라면, 왜 인도주의 원조라는게 꼭 콜롬비아나 브라질로부터가 아니고 베네수엘라 카라카스 국제 공항으로 곧장 날아들어가지 않겠습니까? (콜럼비아와 브라질 두나라는 서방국 도당의 지시를 따르는 꼭두각시 권력의 지배하에 있지요) 그래서 그 두나라는 접경하는 이웃나라에 뻘짓을 한다해도 미국을 설득해 호소력이 있는 것으로 보입니다. 두나라의 공격을 받는 이웃 국가들은 그들보다 훨씬 주권 국가인데 말입니다. 그러니 말이 안되는 것이죠.
If it was totally genuine, and nothing untoward, then why not fly the Humanitarian Aid straight into Caracas International Airport, rather than Colombia or Brazil (Both of whom have Western Stooges at the helm of their countries) who both appear to be appeasing America even though they are working against a direct neighbour who is no less a "Sovereign Nation" than they are.
미국은 같은 실수를 반복하고 있습니다. 이라크, 시리아, 리비아, 아프가니스탄, 우크라이나, 그루지아 등등에서 그렇습니다.
그들은 친구를 원하지만 매일 더운 식사를 하는 것보다 더빨리 적을 만들고 있습니다. 그들은 멈출 수 없습니다.
어떤 사람들은 말하기를 실제로 미국은 서방 연합국과 함께 실제로 악의 축actual Axis of Evil 이 되었다고 말하고 있습니다.
이런 소위 더 큰 국가들만이 다른 "주권 국가"의 내정 간섭을 멈추고, 나가주기만 한다면, 세계는 훨씬 더 평화로운 살기좋은 곳이 될 것입니다.
America are making the same mistakes over and over again. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Georgia, etc, etc, etc.
They want friends but are building up enemies faster than I have my daily hot meal, and they just cannot stop. Some would say, and in fact it is being said, that America is the actual Axis of Evil with its Western Allies.
If only these so-called greater Nations would keep their noses out of the business of other "Sovereign Nations", the world would be a far better and peaceful place to live.
2) 브렉시트 Brexit을 봅시다. 완전히 비타협적인 2 개국, 영국과 유럽 연합이 벌이는 끔찍한 혼란은 개 두마리가 마지막 뼈를 두고서 피터지게 싸우는 모습을 보이고 있습니다.
그러나 영국이 유럽 연합 (EU)에 가입했을 때를 회고해보면, 우리를 사회주의- 자유주의자의 열광하며 행복했던 결합 clappy club이라고 야단법석을 떨면서 서명하던 쓸데없는 반역의 정치인들을 지적해낼 수 있습니다. 하지만 일단 그 클럽에 탈출구가 없었기 때문인데, 그들은 가맹국의 탈출을 막기 위해 유럽연합을 나가는 모든 문을 잠그고 쇠사슬로 묶어버렸습니다.
2) Let's see Brexit. What an absolute mess with two totally intransigent parties, the UK and the European Union, fighting like dogs for the last bit of bone.
However, let's look back at the time the UK joined the European Union when, what could only be described as useless and treasonous politicians signing us into a socialist-liberal happy clappy club whereby, once in the club there was no escape because all the exit doors were locked and chained to prevent any escape.
이 사회-자유주의자 행복 클럽의 국가들은 그들간의 사업 및 무역을 위한 기반으로 받아들일 수는 있었지만, 정치 및 통화 연합 부분을 도입하기 시작했을 때 엄청난 수준으로 독재 국가가 되었으므로 국가 주권의 회원국은 결국 사라질 것이라고 확신했다.
As a base for business and trading between Nations of this social-liberal happy clappy club, it was acceptable, but when they started to bring in the Political and Monetary union part, it became a dictatorship of enormous proportions, so much so that National Sovereignty of its members was sure to eventually disappear.
유럽 연합이 "주권 국가"가 아니라는 것을 기억합시다. 그것은 "주권 국가"의 연합체이기 때문에, 실제로는 가맹국이 연합에 반대하는 방향에 섰을 때 "주권 국가"에게 명령하는 연합이었다. 유럽연합 (EU)이 독재적인 태도를 취하면 "주권 국가"의 국경이 사라질 것입니다. 그렇다면 연합의 위원장들은 국민으로부터 선출되지 않은 인물이지만, 독재로 군림하는 무책임의 권력자이고, 반면에 국회는 권한이 거의없는 실질적인 거대 독재국가 연합이 될 것입니다.
Let us remember that the European Union is not a "Sovereign State". It is a Union of "Sovereign Nations", so one has a Union dictating to "Sovereign Nations" when in reality it should be the other way around. "Sovereign Nations" borders will ultimately disappear if the European Union continues in its dictatorial manners, then we will have a huge dictatorial Union of States whose Commissioners are unelected, and whose Parliament has very little power.
영국이 ECC에 합류한 시점을 기억해보는데, 당시에는 체다 치즈 (Cheddar Cheese) 또는 체셔 치즈 (Cheshire Cheese)는 만일 그것들이 관련된 군 지역에서 생산되지 않았다면, 체다 또는 체셔 (Cheshire)라는 이름을 붙일 수가 없었다. 그것은 유럽연합 지배자들이 무지해서 벌어진 일인데, 아무도 유럽 집행관들에게 치즈가 제조된 지역 군 county에만 해당하는 것이 아니라 치즈가 제조된 군이 보유한 특정한 제조 공식에 근거하고 있음을 말해주지 않았습니다.
Let's just remember when the UK joined the ECC as it was then, Cheddar Cheese, or Cheshire Cheese could not be called either Cheddar or Cheshire unless it was made in the relevant county. No one told the European Commissioners that the cheeses were based upon a specific formula local to the county it was manufactured in, not that it was specific to the county it was manufactured in.
그 다음에 현지 원예사가 재배한 야채가 있었습니다. 토마토는 전형적인 야채입니다. 원예사는 토마토를 일반인에게 판매하거나 특정 크기 이상이거나 미만인 경우 공공 소비용으로 판매가 금지되었습니다. 크기가 크거나 작은 토마토는 모두 가공 산업에 판매해야 했습니다. 얼마나 끔찍히 우스꽝스런 일인가요, 토마토는 크기에 관계없이 토마토이고, 사람들은 작고 감미로운 것들 또는 손바닥에 잘 어울리는 매우 큰 것들, 또는 더 일반적인 크기이지만 관계없이 즐길수 있습니다. 허나 유럽 집행관 권력자들은 그런 금지 정책을 폈고, 아무것도 그들의 마음을 바꾸지 못할 것입니다.
Then there was vegetables grown by the local horticulturalists. Tomatoes is a typical vegetable. Horticulturalists were not allowed to sell tomatoes to the public, or for public consumption if they were over or under a specific size. All out-size or under-size tomatoes had to be sold to the processing industry. How bloody ridiculous, a tomato is a tomato no matter what size and people like the small sweet ones or the very big ones which fit nicely into the palm of ones hand, or the more normal size, but no, the European Commissioners had spoken and nothing would change their mind.
최근에 보고 들었던 것을 보고 들으면서, 나는 개인적으로 유럽 연합에 단 하나의 가운데 손가락을 펼쳐 보여줄 것입니다 (엿먹으라는 욕). 그 (것)들에게 돼지라고 욕하고, 어떤 거래도 없이 떠나라고 말하세요. 유럽 연합 (EU)은 영국이 필요한데, 영국이 유럽 연합 (EU)을 필요로 하는 것보다 더합니다, 그래서 브렉시트는 유럽연합측 손실일 것입니다.
Seeing and hearing what I have recently seen and heard, I would personally give the European Union a single middle finger. Tell them to get stuffed and walk away without a deal. The European Union need the UK more than the UK need the European Union, so it would be their loss.
이것은 짧은 시간 동안 영국과 EU에서 어떤 식으로든 어려움을 초래할 수 있습니다 (나는 그게 5 년 이상으로 갈 것이라고 예상하지 않습니다). 그래서 무엇이 문제입니까? 영국인들은 탄력적인 국민 집단이며 유럽 연합보다 훨씬 빨리 극복할 것이며, 유럽 연합의 "국가"대부분의 부러움을 받으면서 강력해질 것이며, 그러한 잘못된 유럽연합 국가는 천천히 그들이 처음에 정치적 화폐 동맹에 가입하는 것이 얼마나 큰 실수였는지 깨닫는다.
This might cause some hardships in both the UK and EU in some directions for a short time (I estimate no longer than 5 years), so what? The Brits are a resilient group of people and they will get over it far quicker than the EU and they will grow strong and more than likely be the envy of most of the "Nations" of the European Union, whilst those mistaken European Union Nations will slowly realize what a big mistake it was for them to join a political and monetary union in the first place.
나는 초기 국가그룹, 8 개국에 비유를 들고 싶은데, 그들이 잔디가 양질이고 풍성하기 때문에 양들을 하나의 들판에 모으려는 일을 하려는 것에 비유합니다. 그게 진행되어서 더 많은 국가들이 가입하는 것은, 양들이 양질의 풍부한 풀이 있는, 같은 들판에 모이게 됩니다.
그러면 들판이 진흙 뻘밭으로 변할 것인데, 양질의 풀도 아니고, 풍부한 풀도 없는 뻘밭이 되버리는데, 그러면 그리고 시장 가격이 훨씬 낮은 2 등급의 양이 출하되고, 또 그런 양을 방목할 추가적 들판도 없어질 것이다.
이제 유럽연합 위원장은 "등록된 소를 방목해야 하기 때문에 그 들판을 사용할 수 없다", 또는 "충분한 주택이 없기 때문에 들판에 주택을 지을 계획이기에 양들에게 사용할 수없다", 고 말할 것입니다. 또는 "그 들판은 향후 5 년간 인간 배설물이나 폐기물을 수용할 목적이기 때문에 못쓴다," 라고 말합니다.
I liken it to an initial group of Nations, say 8, all putting their sheep into one field because the grass is good quality and plentiful. Then as more Nations join, they put all their sheep into the same field where the grass is good quality and plentiful.
It doesn't take long for the field to become a field of mud, not good quality or of plentiful grass, then what, second grade sheep whose market price is far lower, and no additional fields to graze the sheep in. Then the European Commissioners come along and say, "You cannot use that field because that is ear-marked for Cows", or, "we are scheduling that field for housing because there are not enough homes", or, "that field is destined to accommodate Human Waste Sludge for the next 5 years"
이런 상황은 미치고 미친 짓이다, 그것은 대중이 완전히 영문을 알지 못하는 일인데, 정치인들이 결코 진실을 말하지 않거나, 전혀 말하지 않기 때문이다.
그럼 물론 민주주의가 있습니다. 정부는 국민 투표를 실시했다. 그 투표는 EU에 머물것이냐, 아님 EU를 떠날 것이냐를 두고 했다. 영국 유권자의 대다수는 EU의 탈퇴를 선택했습니다. 이제 영국 의회의 반-브랙시트 주의자들 anti-brexiteers이 있고 또 반- 민주적인 국회의원들이 두 번째 국민투표를 하자고 요구합니다. 미안하지만, 사람들은 2 년 전에 EU를 떠나라고 민주적인 방법으로 이야기 했다, 그러니 그냥 떠나십시오. 민주주의를 믿지 않는게 아니라면, 두 번째 국민 투표는 절대적으로 필요하지 않으며, 만일 국민투표를 또하겠다는 사람은 결코 정치인이 되어서는 안됩니다. 그런 식으로 브렉시트를 못하게 만들려는 사람들은 그냥 사임하세요, 국민들은 아닙니다.
Crazy, crazy stuff that the public are completely unaware of because the Politicians never tell the truth, or, never tell all.
Then of course there is Democracy. The Government held a Referendum. It was either stay in the EU or, exit the EU. The majority of the UK voters voted for exit of the EU. Now you have the anti-brexiteers and the anti-democratic members of the UK parliament demanding a second referendum. Sorry guys and girls, the people democratically spoke over two years ago to leave the EU, so leave it is. There is absolutely no need for a second referendum unless you don't believe in democracy, and if the latter is the case, you should not be politicians anyhow, so resign NOW as you are the ones who have really SCREWED UP on Brexit, not the people.
Let's now wait and see what a bigger mess the UK Government can make of this whole EU situation, because there is still plenty of room for them to make a bigger "Balls-up" of the whole thing.
3)다음은 금태환 화폐에 관한 주제
(화폐 정책의 논쟁은 전문적 영역이니만치 영어 원문을 참고하세요 - 편집자 주)
. Next subject is, "are certain countries of the world copying us in respect of a Gold Backed Currency".
Since my last article where I explicitly explained that the ITC had set aside $500 trillion USD value of Gold and other precious metals to back our new currency, the Globec (짰 and 짤 ), thus enabling far more stability and independence within the international financial industry; there appears to be an absolute barrage of calls from all over the world for the return of the Gold Standard against all currencies.
Considering that the Central Banks of the World are all owned, or controlled by the Federal Reserve Bank of America, which is a corporation and completely independent of the American Government, I have no doubt in stating that the Federal Reserve is probably behind this return to the "Gold Standard" before it loses all power and control over the international financial system.
The world needs a new system and one which is independently managed to ensure that Government manipulation and hunger for power, doesn't return. The world will be free from a highly corrupt existing system and far better off. Governments will be controlled by the amount of Gold or assets they have to back their currency. No more stupidity by Governments for any reason. No more unnecessary wars for the sake of war and power. A far more balanced playing field for all.
The latest I have noticed is an article under www.rt.com:-
https://www.rt.com/business/452445-fiat-hard-money-wars/ which states:-
Does fiat money encourage endless wars?
Fiat money allow wars with no real cost to governments, which is why the century of central banking was the century of total war, said Saifedean Ammous, a professor of economics at the Lebanese American University.
"Under hard money, governments fought till they ran out of their own money. Under easy money, governments can fight until they completely consume the value of all the money held by their people," wrote Ammous, a member of the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University.
Stacy Herbert agrees with him, saying that, "Under fiat money you can be as stupid as you want, especially whoever controls the printing press of the fiat system."
According to Max Keiser, hard money discourages mediocrity, starting wars and paying for that by printing cash. "It encourages competitors when you have hard money and the people who are against hard money don't want to compete and just want to print fiat money... like Ben Bernanke."
Stacy explains that right now the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the ECB are under the auspices of the Federal Reserve Bank.
This is supported by an email sent to me from one of our people, which is as follows:-
Dear David,
I have read that starting from next 29th March the banking system is somehow going back to the gold standard or what we could call "gold remonetization". According to Basel III banks can transform physical gold into money, into cash. This is a decision taken by the BIS and in particular by the FED, ECB, Bundesbank, Bank of England and Bank of France. Starting from 29th March 2019 the gold deposited in banks will become "cash equivalent". The gold will be considered much like the Sovereign Bonds now in the balance sheets of the banks.
This would explain why many banks are buying gold and countries trying to bring their own gold back to their own country.
Question: this operation by the BIS of course has nothing to do with what the ITC is going to do? This seems to be a way for the Cabal to try and keep control and somehow anticipate any move by others like the ITC?
I have to agree with the comments of the last paragraph above, quote "This seems to be a way for the Cabal to try and keep control and somehow anticipate any move by others like the ITC?"
I also wholly agree with the comments by Stacy Herbert / Max Keiser, Fiat money does allow irresponsibility to flourish, wars to continue to be undertaken and the wholesome "consumation of the value of all the money held by their people."
Many countries do have sufficient Gold to back the amount of their currency in circulation. Some countries, like America, the UK, France, Germany do not have sufficient Gold to back all their currency in circulation, unless of course, they link back to the European Union who certainly do not have sufficient Gold in stock to support the Euro in all countries of the EU, unless of course one takes the 10,000 MT unlawfully passed to the EU by America back in the late 1990's which America had no legal right whatsover to transfer any Gold to anyone because they did not own it.
That 10,000 MT of Gold held by the EU is the property of the Global Debt Facility which at the time was legally owned, under International Treaty, by H.E. Prof. Dr. Ray C. Dam, the legally appointed International Treasury Controller, who like others before him, eventrually fell foul of America and became the victim at the hands of the CIA.
This led to the eventual appointment (May 2012) of the Third Successor Heir to Ferdinand Marcos, descendant and heir of the Chinese Qing Dynasty.
The third successdor Heir has vowed that all Gold and other assets stolen by America and its Allies, from The Global Debt Facility, will be returned to The Global Debt Facility no matter what it takes to recover such Gold and other assets. Therefore it is absolutely certain that America and its thieving Allies will not have sufficient Gold in their treasury to back their currencies with the required amount of Gold or other precious metals. They will not be allowed to claim that their currency is backed by Gold, nor will they be allowed to register their curency as Gold Backed, with the ITC, at any time until they learn their lesson and resalise that no one can live permanently off the backs of others and that they now have to face what others have suffered from, from the dispicable and selfish activities conducted by America and their Allies over decades.
The ITC is a completely independent, totally neutral politically, racially, and religiously, and is the only organisation and owner of the World's wealth, to be able to bring securitry, stability, and independence back to the world's financial systems.
If we just take America and the Federal Reserve. America claims it has 8,133.5 Mt of Gold, which is a hypothetical figure because it has not been officially confirmed or properly audited (Refer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_holdings).
If we multiply that figure by $1222 / troy ounce as of 1st Jan 2019 if gives qa figure of $319.531030 billion USD in Gold Value as part of National Reserves, which is intrinsic value / real value against a real asset.
BUT, BUT, BUT, America has $22 trillion in Debt, so the above figure will not even cover the Debt factor of America.
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve states that there is $1.69 trillion USD in Federal Reserve Notes in circulation, which is either an accounting mistake by the Federal Reserve, or, a figure they have just plucked out of thin air. Why?, because we are aware that a further $8 trillion USD was currency printed by third parties to avoid the official USA Books of Accounts. Then on top of that there is the $6750 trillion that the Federal Reserve produced out of thin air through the Secret Trading Programs which was then subsequently used to destabilise Russia and the former Eastern Bloc back in the 1980's which eventually led to the collapse nof Soviet Communism, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the resultant emerging of the Russian Federation.
That dear readers is a known total, $6,759.69 trillion of US Dollars in circulation, not the $1.69 USD as stated by the Federal Reserve.
America, most certainly hasn't got sufficient Gold or Assets to back all the US Dollars in circulation, and on top of that, it has to pay its debt off, so all this talk about backing their currency with Gold / Silver, is just talk, irresponsible, irrational, and irrelevant talk at that.
Let it be known that the only organisation that does have sufficient Gold and other precious metals, that it legally owns, is The International Treasury Controller who has sufficient Gold and other precious metals to back every single Nation's currency throughout the world, if it needs to, and still have an enormous amount of stock in hand for future use, if needed. The International Treasury Controller legally owns the world's wealth for which there is absolutely not question of doubt on that fact.
America, the UK, France, Germany, nor any other of these so-called greater Nations, are actually not great at all. They are conmen of the highest order because they have told us all lies over decades. They have nothing to offer the world only confrontation and wars, and they definitely haven't got the necessary Gold or other precious metals to produce a Gold Backed Currency.
The future for the World's Financial system is The International Treasury Controller and the World's Wealth, otherwise known as The Global Debt Facility.
Let the Blurred Vision and Mirages be taken from your eyes and you will see freedom before Ye.
David P. Crayford
짤 and Copyright Holder (2019) to David P. Crayford in conjunction with Abundanthope.net
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