미중무역분쟁관련해서 현재 베이징에서 (1월말 워싱턴 회의에서 이어) 실무진급회의가 재개 되었고, 이번 주 14-15일에 미무역대표부 라이하우저와 미재무장관 므뉘신이 중국측 류허와 시진핑(?)을 만나서 무역분쟁관련한 최종조율과 중국의 구조개혁에 대한 ( 3월 1일 미국의 추가 관세폭탄 부과전애) 최종 논의를 하게 되는 일정 

하지만 미국은 오늘 이지스함 2척을 보내서 중국이 남중국해라면서 영유권을 주장하는 필리핀쪽 '스프래틀리제도' 짱개들이 난사군도라고 부르는 원래는 필리핀의 영해에 위치한 섬들을 통과하는 무력시위를 벌렸다는 팩트:) 

지난 번 중국과 대만사이인 대만해협을 유유히 미군함이 통과하면서, 중국에 무력시위, 이번에는 중국과 무역분쟁관련 회의 첫날 중국공산당이 영유권을 주장하는 난사군도의 섬들을 유유히 통과, 하지만 중국은 회의에 촛점을 맞추자는 미국에 절절매는 모습이란 팩트:)   

UPDATE 2-China upbeat on U.S. trade talks, but S.China Sea tensions weigh

Published 6 Hours AgoReuters

(Adds quotes)

BEIJING, Feb 11 (Reuters) - China struck an upbeat note on Monday as trade talks resumed with the United States, but also expressed anger at a U.S. Navy mission through the disputed South China Sea, casting a shadow over the prospect for improved Beijing-Washington ties.

The United States is expected to keep pressing China on longstanding demands that it reform how it treats American companies' intellectual property in order to seal a trade deal that could prevent tariffs from rising on Chinese imports.

The latest talks will begin with working level discussions from Monday-Wednesday before high-level discussions at the end of the week. Negotiations concluded in Washington last month without a deal and with the top U.S. negotiator declaring that a lot more work needed to be done.

Lower-level officials will kick off the meetings on Monday, led on the American side by Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jeffrey Gerrish.

Higher principal-level talks will take place Thursday and Friday with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

"We, of course, hope, and the people of the world want to see, a good result," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters at a regular news briefing in Beijing.

The two sides are trying to hammer out a deal ahead of the March 1 deadline when U.S. tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports are scheduled to increase to 25 percent from 10 percent.

Lighthizer, named by U.S. President Donald Trump to spearhead the process after agreeing a 90-day truce in the trade war with Beijing, has been a strong proponent of pushing China to end what the United States views as unfair trade practices, including stealing intellectual property and forcing U.S. companies to share their technology with Chinese firms.

China has denied it engages in such practices.

Trump said last week he did not plan to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping before that deadline, dampening hopes that a trade pact could be reached quickly.

Escalating tensions between the United States and China have cost both countries billions of dollars and disrupted global trade and business flows, roiling financial markets.

The same day the latest talks began, two U.S. warships sailed near islands claimed by China in the disputed South China Sea, a U.S. official told Reuters.

Hua said the ships entered the waters without China's permission, and that Beijing expressed firm opposition and dissatisfaction at the move.

China's navy had tracked the vessels and warned them to leave, Hua said, accusing Washington of provocation and of harming China's sovereignty.

Asked if the ships' passage would impact trade talks, Hua said that "a series of U.S. tricks" showed what Washington was thinking. But Hua added that China believed resolving trade frictions through dialogue was in the interests of both countries' people, and of global economic growth.

China claims a large part of the South China Sea, and has built artificial islands and air bases there, prompting concern around the region and in Washington. (Reporting by Michael Martina and Ben Blanchard; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore & Kim Coghill)